
AbstractConductive nanocomposites were prepared using styrene butadiene rubber as the polymer matrix and nanosized powder of copper–nickel (Cu–Ni) alloy as the filler. The filler loading was varied from 0 to 40 phr. The electrical conductivity of filled polymer composites is due to the formation of some continuous conductive networks in the polymer matrix. Atomic force microscopy was used to determine the particle size of the nanofiller and its nature of dispersion in the rubber matrix. The DC volume resistivity was measured against the loading of the nanofiller to check the percolation limit. The effect of temperature, applied pressure, time duration under constant compressive stress on the DC resistivity and AC conductivity of the composites with different filler loading were investigated. The change in DC resistivity and AC conductivity against temperature of these composites exhibited positive coefficient of temperature. With the change in applied pressure and time duration under constant compressive stress the DC resistivity undergoes an exponential decrease. The effect of AC field frequency on the AC conductivity was investigated. POLYM. COMPOS. 28:696–704, 2007. © 2007 Society of Plastics Engineers

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