
A field experiment was carried out at Breeder seed Production Centre (BSPC), Debiganj, Panchagarh during the Rabi season of 2016-2017 to study the effect of five levels of sulphur application on yield and quality attributes of three potato varieties. The main objective of the experiment was to determine the effect of sulphur on the yield and quality of potato varieties. There were five treatments comprising different levels of sulphur such as T1 (control-no sulphur), T2 (75% RDS), T3 (100% RDS), T4 (125% RDS) and T5 (150% RDS). Three BARI released potato variety; BARI Alu 36 (4.26 R), BARI Alu 40 (4.45W) and BARI Alu 25 (Asterix) were used in this experiment. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. The tuber yield and yield contributing characters were significantly influenced by the application of sulphur. Maximum tuber yield (39.28 t/ha) was recorded in BARI Alu 40 (4.45 w). Highest dry matter content, specific gravity and starch content were found in BARI Alu 40 (4.45 w), which was followed by BARI Alu 36 (4.26 R) in case of specific gravity and starch content. Sulphur application in potato varieties showed significant influence on tuber yield of potato. This parameter increased with increasing dose of sulphur up to 100% RDS. Thereafter, further increase in sulphur did not showed any remarkable influence. Besides, sulphur application in potato varieties showed significant influence on tuber quality of potato. The maximum dry matter yield and starch yield were recorded in the treatment T3, which was followed by all other treatments except T1. The minimum dry matter yield and starch yield were recorded in the treatment T1. Combined effect showed insignificant influences between varieties and sulphur levels. BARI Alu 40 (4.45 w) was found superior over other varieties in terms of yield and quality attributes. Treatment T3 (100% RDS) was found superior over other treatments in terms of yield.

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