
Despite all the possible benefits of sports tourism, other outcomes such as forceful relocation of residents to accommodate tourists, crowding, hooliganism, crime, consumption of hard drugs, disruptions of the normal life of the local people, increased rents and tax rate have been identified as negative outcomes of sport tourism on host communities. The aim of the study is to examine the effect of Security Governance of National Sports Festival on community Security in Abuja Metropolis. The two-way approach model underpinned the study. Primary data based on attitude measurement using survey research design was used for the study. Simple regression was used to measure the cause-effect relationship between the research variables. The population of the study comprised of every adult individual in Abuja Metropolis. The sample size used is approximately 400 respondents determined using the Taro Yamane formula for sample size attainment. The analysis shows a positive and significant effect of Security Governance of National Sports Festival (SGNSF) on Host Community Safety (HCF) implying that the greater the Security Governance of National Sports Festival, the likelier the Host Community Safety. The study concluded in line with the findings of hypothesis one that Security Governance of National Sports Festival is important to Host Community Safety even in Abuja, Nigeria and recommended that the Management of National Sports Festival should increase their level of Security Governance of National Sports Festival in order to improve Host Community Safety during sports events they organize. Keywords: Security Governance, National Sports Festival, Host Community Safety, Abuja Nigeria

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