
Social studies education emerged in the USA in the 18th century and has come to life in different geographies for about three centuries. Four different programs in the years 1968, 1998, 2005 and 2018 were prepared for the aforementioned subject which has taken part in the curriculum as social studies and has been implemented as an independent course in Turkey since 1968. In this study, four 7th grade social studies textbooks prepared according to different curriculum programs were examined (Akşit and Asal 1973, Şahin and Göze 2000, MEB Commission 2015, Gültekin, Akpınar, Nohutcu, Özerdoğan and Aygün 2019). The books were subjected to content analysis by document analysis method regarding the family. The findings were compared and examined. In general, it was found that the 2019 edition social studies textbook was different from the 1973, 2000 and 2015 edition social studies textbooks in terms of addressing the family. Subjects of History and Geography were predominantly included in the social studies textbooks published in 1973 and 2000. Therefore, the concept of family has mostly been reflected through the context of historical issues. Among the four published textbooks, the 2015 social studies textbook stands out as having the most coverage on democracy and human rights. This book also mentions the concept of domestic democracy. Alongside the shortcomings, many positive aspects have been identified in the 2019 edition 7th grade social studies textbook that is currently being taught in schools. Keywords: Turkey, educational programs, social studies, 7th grade social studies textbook, family, content exchange

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