
Science learning is learning related to natural knowledge that is learned from facts, concepts, and the discovery process. Natural science learning is often said to be difficult learning because it is abstract and logically mathematical. One way that can be used to improve students' cognitive outcomes is by using the experimental method, where students can conduct experiments independently about something they learn so that they will be motivated in learning. The subjects in this study were 31 students of class VII E SMP N 37 Semarang. The technique used to analyze the level of success of students in understanding the material motion and style can be seen from the completeness of student learning. It is said to be classically complete if it obtains a yield of 75%. The results of data analysis show that there is an increase in learning outcomes (cognitive aspects) can be seen from the average score achieved by students in learning using the experimental method and learning using the demonstration method is 77.5 ≥ 71, while student learning completeness in learning using experimental and learning methods using the demonstration method is 77.4% ≥ 51.6%. The conclusion from this analysis is that learning with experimental methods of motion and style material can improve students' cognitive aspects.

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