
Abstract. This research was conducted at MIS Al-Furqon 1 Bandung class V, this research uses a quantitative approach with a quasi-experimental method. The results showed 1) The learning process seen from planning using teaching modules is 95% of the components that are complete with very satisfying categories. The implementation of learning that has been carried out in the experimental class produces a percentage of 80%. 2) Student learning outcomes have increased after being treated with VAK modules including in the cognitive domain with an average before being treated getting results (35.3) after being treated getting a score (83.69), in the affective domain in the control class getting a score (79.38) while in the experimental class getting a score (90.00), in the psychomotor domain in the control class getting a score (70.44) while in the experimental class getting a score (80.75). So it can be concluded that the VAK model is effective in improving SKI learning outcomes in grade V students.
 Abstrak. Penelitian ini dilakukan di MIS Al-Furqon 1 Bandung kelas V, penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode quasi eksperimen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 1) Proses pembelajaran dilihat dari perencanaan menggunakan modul ajar sebesar 95% komponen yang sudah lengkap dengan kategori sangat memuaskan. Pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang sudah terlaksana di kelas eksperimen menghasilkan presentase sebesar 80%. 2) Hasil belajar siswa mengalami peningkatan setelah diberi perlakuan moedel VAK diantaranya dalam ranah kognitif dengan rata-rata sebelum diberi perlakuan mendapat hasil (35,3) setelah diberi perlakuan mendapat nilai (83,69), pada ranah afektif di kelas kontrol mendapat nilai (79,38) sedangkan di kelas eksperimen mendapat nilai (90,00), pada ranah psikomotorik di kelas kontrol mendapat nilai (70,44) sedangkan di kelas eksperimen mendapat nilai (80,75). Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa model VAK efektif dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar SKI pada siswa kelas V.

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