
The scope of this research was to analyze the effect of some technical and managerial levels in the profitability of 20 demonstration units (UD) participants of the program "Balde Cheio", in the State of Rio de Janeiro, from January to December in 2011. The profitability analysis considering the gross margin, the net margin, the result (profit or loss), profitability and rentability as indicators of economic efficiency. To describe the profitability indicators, as well as the technical and managerial levels, descriptive statistics was used through the mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum value, calculated using the statistical software SPSS 18.0. The technical and managerial levels influenced on profitability and rentability in the properties studied. The zootechnical rates percentage of lactating cow, cows in the herd and lactating cows in the herd, animal productivity/ha/year and amount of lactating cows/ha were considered good; However, noted that although gross and net margins are positive, in the long-term producers are in the process of decapitalising, because the result was negative.

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