
This research describes a development process of an educommunicational project and its presentation by 7th year’s students of Middle School. Student’s part of this research was from a private school in a city part of Sao Paulo’s State. In fact, it aimed to verify possible contributions obtained by using a specific didactic sequence linked with Geography teaching. Thereunto, virtual games and educommunication tools were used to promote literacy and scientific dissemination through Digital Information Technologies and Communication. In terms of method utilized, a qualitative-descriptive method was used since it applied observation, analysis, and data comparison to obtain results. In addition, the methodology helped to solve problems throughout the project phase until it reached its final presentation. As a final result of this project, it was observed that students could develop not only active learning but also creative learning throughout the process. As assistance, students had teacher acting as a mediator in order to constantly guide and manage them in their activities. To sum up, documentary videos presented by students, combined with games and digital educational technologies are considered relevant forms of communication as well as effective learning resources because they favor a development of critical-scientific thinking. As a matter of fact, it is applicable when carrying out researches, experiencing challenges also building knowledge throughout student’s own experience processes.

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