
In the article on the basis of axiological, competence, contextual and diagnostic scientific approaches the problem of formation and development of modern educational values in the consciousness and activity of future specialists, in particular - in the master’s degree in humanities specialties is considered. In the course of the theoretical search we have found out that the implementation of an axiological approach in the conditions of dynamic social changes helps to form in the undergraduates of the humanities knowledge personal systems of values that will best meet their individual needs, life goals, interests, interests, interests their experience of socially useful activity and behavior, self-development and self-actualization of socially significant needs, their alignment with the values of the whole society. The results of the diagnostic section in the form of questionnaires of students and teachers conducted to find out the state of formation of axiological thesaurus in undergraduate students of humanities.In order to find out the parameters of the readiness of future masters of the humanities to develop a system of humanistic values, we used factor-criterion evaluation, where the parameter considered the integrity of human and professional values of specialists. This parameter was specified as a set of complex properties (factors) and simple properties (criteria). The weight of properties, factors and criteria was determined by means of the peer review method by interviewing the teachers of the leading academic disciplines. The leading means of factor and criterion assessment were the standard characteristics of the levels of readiness formation - high, sufficient, medium, low, developed using methods of descriptive statistics. Level groups of future masters were identified and a conclusion was proposed with a recommendation on the need to select methods, tools and forms of influence on the educational values of future specialists in the humanities - cultural scientists, philosophers, historians, philologists, religious scientists.

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