
The article substantiates the relevance of the problem of educating the moral culture of the future teacher of the New Ukrainian School. The need to educate such a phenomenon as «moral culture” as one of the main directions of professional formation of the future specialist is revealed. It has been proven that the priority task of higher education institutions is the formation of the personality of the future teacher, who performs moral actions, does not succumb to negative social influences, has a stable personal position, strives for moral self-expression and self-control, etc. Emphasis is placed on the fact that education of moral culture, through substantiation of its integral system (purpose, tasks, specific principles, optimal forms, methods of formation) will contribute to the professional development of the future teacher.
 The author emphasizes that the process of raising the moral culture of the future teacher takes place through his active involvement in the awareness of universal human norms and values, understanding of the moral guidelines of the profession, inclusion in those conditions that will allow the future teacher to reveal his own potential, reveal moral feelings, and perform moral actions at the stage of professional development while studying at a higher education institution.
 Moral culture is defined as a set of moral norms, habits, views, beliefs, norms of behavior, which is oriented towards training and education of the personality, its self-improvement. This is a set of norms that reveal the future teacher's attitude to himself and to other participants in the educational process (students, fellow teachers, parents, school administration, etc.). It was established that the basis of the moral culture of the future teacher is love for children. The author attributes the following to the main signs of the moral culture of the future teacher: cognitive, emotional, value and activity components.
 It was found that the moral culture education of the future teacher is a process of education of the personality of the teacher, who: shows a desire to work on himself, improving his own moral values; strives to actively interact with students and nurture these qualities in them; is able to make moral choices, make moral decisions and be responsible for them.

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