
The article deals with the critical issues of teachers’ training for the new Ukrainian school. The author argues that a future choreography teacher should not only be able to utilize modern pedagogical technologies, but also have high moral culture, since it is the teacher’s moral culture which influences the level of spiritual and ethical development of the younger generation. The study suggests the definition of the concept "future choreography teacher’s moral culture", seen as an integrated quality of an individual that includes a scope of knowledge of moral values, ethical behavior and mores, their compliance with national and universal ideas about the nature of moral values; implying the formation of value orientations, empathy, tolerance, ability for reflection and self-regulation and manifesting itself in self-realization and an active life position of the individual. The following criteria for determining the level of formation of future choreography teachers’ moral culture were distinguished: motivational and cognitive, emotional and value-based, creative and reflexive. It was proved that folk dance is a very efficient means of forming individual’s moral culture in the system of artistic education as it accumulates the artistic and historical experience of generations, reflects the moral values of human relationships, the wealth of civil virtues, encourages education rooted the local culture. The author presents some methods of forming future choreography teachers’ moral culture, which were carried out taking into account personality-oriented, axiological, creativity and activity-based approaches and principles that represent the basis of the organizational and methodological system of forming future choreography teachers’ moral culture, namely: humanization, value-based attitude to the educational process; visibility, continuity.

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