
[Bahasa]: Ecoprinting merupakan salah satu keterampilan alternatif yang ingin dikuasai dan dimintai oleh guru-guru di Kota Ternate. Hal ini karena teknik ini sangat menarik untuk diajarkan pada siswa di sekolah sehingga penting untuk mengajarkan ecoprinting pada guru-guru terlebih dahulu. Kegiatan pelatihan pembuatan batik ecoprint diselenggarakan tim pengabdian universitas Khairun bersama MGMP Biologi SMA/MA Kota Ternate dan dihadiri 28 guru dari 11 SMA se-Kota Ternate. Tujuannya ialah mengajarkan keterampilan membuat batik ecoprint. Kegiatan dilakukan menggunakan metode sosialisasi, demonstrasi, pelatihan dan pendampingan. Alat dan bahan pembuatan diperoleh dari lingkungan sekitar sebagai potensi lokal daerah Ternate. Hasil evaluasi melalui pre test dan angket menunjukkan bahwa awalnya sebanyak 67% peserta tidak mengetahui tentang ecoprinting. Saat pelatihan, peserta cenderung menggunakan daun yang berwarna yakni daun bayam merah sebanyak 64% peserta. Hasil evaluasi, peserta merespon positif terhadap pelatihan baik terhadap isi materi, pemateri, dan metode pelaksanaan kegiatan. Secara keseluruhan penilaian peserta adalah baik sekali terhadap isi materi dan instruktur dengan rata-rata skor masing-masing 91, sedangkan untuk penilaian terhadap metode rata-rata ialah 89. Pelatihan berhasil mengajarkan ecopriting kepada semua peserta dan tim merekomendasikan untuk mengajarkan pada pada siswa SMA di Kota Ternate. Kata Kunci: batik ecoprint, bayam merah, Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran (MGMP) Biologi [English]: Ecoprinting is one of the alternative skills that teachers in Ternate City want to master and demand. This is because this technique is very interesting to teach to students at school, so it is important to teach ecoprinting to teachers first. The ecoprint batik training activity was held by the Khairun University service team together with MGMP Biology SMA/MA Ternate City and attended by 28 teachers from 11 high schools throughout Ternate City. The aim is to teach skills in making ecoprint batik. Activities are carried out using methods of socialization, coercion, training and mentoring. Tools and manufacturing materials were obtained from the surrounding environment as a local potential of the Ternate area. The evaluation results through pre-tests and questionnaires showed that initially 67% of participants did not know about ecoprinting. During training, participants tended to use colored leaves, namely red spinach leaves, as many as 64% of participants. As a result of the evaluation, participants gave a positive response to the training regarding the content of the material, presenters, and methods of implementing activities. Overall, the participants' assessment was very good regarding the content of the material and the instructor with an average score of 91 each, while for the assessment of the method, the average was 89. The training was successful in teaching ecopriting to all participants and the team recommended teaching it to high school students in the city Ternate. Keywords: batik ecoprint, red spinach, MGMP Biology

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