
The purpose of the article is to study the economic, social and environmental features of the use of land resources of agricultural enterprises, which is one of the determining factors of economic development and environmental safety of the state. Optimization of the use of land resources in ecological, economic and social aspects is the basis for a favourable territorial environment of natural landscapes. The goal of the article is to study the economic efficiency of the use of land resources in modern conditions, their social and environmental basis. Methodology. To write the article, methods of analysis, comparison, and generalization of research results, economic, statistical and graphic methods have been used. It is clear that research on the efficiency of the use of land resources in agricultural enterprises is a complex and lengthy process. Taking this into account, it is impossible to identify a single indicator that can fully reflect the level of efficiency in the use of land resources. For a more complete characterization of the specified process, a system of both natural and value indicators should be used. Results. According to the results of the study, it has been established that the practice of land use and the state of study of certain problems require further study of the prerequisites for the development of processes of soil degradation caused by the main factors: human economic activity, climatic, relief and ground conditions. Attention is drawn to the efficiency of the use of land resources in agricultural enterprises of Ukraine; the distribution of enterprises in Ukraine is carried out by the size of agricultural land. The role of state financing of enterprises in the sector of agro-industrial development is analysed, and the state of financing of programs to support agro-industrial production in 2019 is considered. The social aspects of land use in Ukraine are processed; they are focused on the quality of food, ensuring the welfare of the population and landscaping of rural municipalities. The program of support of the agro-industrial production sector by providing loans to agrarians has been investigated: in particular, it is planned to allocate 1,200,000,000 UAH for a programme to reduce the cost of loans to enterprises engaged in all types of agricultural activities. Practical implications. Since the practice of managing agricultural enterprises in market conditions shows that the most important thing is not the availability of land resources but the efficiency of using its potential; therefore, the need to create a reliable economic mechanism that will ensure the effective use of land resources and preserve their fertility is a priority. The breadth and versatility of land problems, their connection and dependence on socio-economic, political and environmental factors necessitate further research on this issue.

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