
The article considers the philosophical and legal retrospective of ecological culture by analyzing the dynamics of filling its content characteristics. Ecological culture has been found to be an integral category consisting of a number of elements. In its structure can be distinguished at least a few organic components: cognitive, emotional and aesthetic, value, legal and activity. The basis of ecological culture is proper ecological and legal consciousness.Thus, ecological culture is a process and result of the formation of ecological consciousness of the individual, which reflects the inseparable unity between the set of knowledge, ideas about nature, emotional, value and legal attitude to it (internal culture) and relevant skills, interactions (external) culture), based on the harmonization of relationships in the system “nature-law-man”.There are three components of ecological culture that reveal its content, namely: the appropriate level of environmental moral and legal knowledge (intellectual component); appropriate level of environmental and legal awareness (value component); appropriate stock of practical skills in the field of environmental protection (activity component). It is the combination of these three components (intellectual, value and activity) in the legal context that determines the formation of environmental culture. Philosophical and legal reflection allows us to state that ecological culture is “turned to two worlds - the inner world of man and the surrounding natural environment. With its goals, this culture is aimed at the moral and legal education of high humanistic values and guidelines in human life, observance of the natural order and the development of an effective state system.

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