
Goal. The purpose of the work is a comprehensive analysis of the main problems of the regulatory potential of legal culture and legal awareness of the individual and its implementation in modern Ukrainian society. Method. The study used a set of theoretical methods of scientific knowledge, in particular: the method of scientific analysis; system-structural; historical and legal; axiological; comparative law; formal-legal and method of generalization. Results. In the course of the research it was proved that the modern philosophy of realization of regulatory potential of legal culture and legal consciousness should consist in strengthening of humanizing character of regulatory influence, be directed not on authoritarian authoritarian, imperative attribution, authorizing, binding types of legal regulations that authoritatively guide the actions, behavior of people and are seen as omnipotent universal mechanisms for solving problems of social life, and to create conditions for the realization of freedom, human potential, its legal status, social activity, creativity and initiative , which, of course, must be implemented on the basis of social, legal and moral norms enshrined in society. Scientific novelty. According to the results of the study, the new conceptual foundations of the regulatory potential of legal culture and legal awareness should be aimed at creating conditions for identifying deep dimensions of the inner world of man, his individual legal worldview, which allows him to become the creator of social and legal reality. Practical significance. The results of the research can be useful in the process of forming a general theoretical concept of the regulatory potential of legal culture and legal consciousness of modern Ukrainian society.

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