
Altai Krai is traditionally classified as a major industrial and agricultural regions of the country. The machine-building complex (production of tractors, agricultural machinery, wagons, engines, boilers), the chemical and petrochemical industries (tires, artificial fibers, plastic products, chemical products), the food industry (meat, cheese making), and the light industry (manufacturing) are quite developed. fabrics, knitwear), mining (mining of polymetallic ores, gold, table and glauber salts, coal). Agriculture prevails in agriculture in the Altai Territory. Altai Territory is one of the largest producers of grain, milk, meat and other agricultural products. The territorial specialization of agricultural production in the region is determined by the complex mechanism of interaction of natural and climatic factors, as well as soil and geomorphological features. Among cultivated crops, cereals prevail. Hard and strong varieties of zoned spring wheat are grown in the most provided warm steppe part of the territory of the region.Altai Krai is the only region beyond the Ural Mountains where sugar beets are grown. Among oilseeds, the lion’s share is occupied by sunflower, although commodity production of oilseed flax, mezeum, long flax, rapeseed and other industrial crops is gradually developing.

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