
The articleis devoted to the study of early relations with the mother as a factorin the formation of the identity of a codependent individual. It has been established that the relations in the dyad of mother and child are the meaningful and structural basis of all further relations of a person, and also influence the formation of self-attitude, «self-concept». In the analysis of scientific studies, it was determined that the reliable attachment ofthechildtothemothercontributesto a bettercourseoftheseparatingprocess. A comparative analysis of the model of levels of psychological separation: separation from them other and separation from the child was carried out. As a result of the correlation analysis, it was established that as lower the level of codependence or its absence, than the formation of identity and group affiliation is more pronounced, and the circle of communication and interactions with others becomes wider. It was determined that in the field of «relations with the mother» conflicts is manifested more in the group of codependent women. On the base of the conducted research, it is recommended to carry out a psychological intervention to transform the identity of middle-aged codependent women, it will contributet othe correction of codependence.Keywords: child-parentrelations, dyad, imageofmother, attachment, processofseparation, transformation.

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