
Gadabay situated at the western part of Azerbaijan Republic. There are many early medieval Christian temples, churches and monasteries which concern to Caucasian Albania in Gadabay region. This article is dedicated to early medieval temples and religious monuments of Caucasian Albania in Gadabay. It was researched Gadabay temple, Chaldash, Chanakhchi, Girdiman (Pir Javanshir), Agh kilse (White church), Ayrivang temples and Hamshivang monastery in last decade. These historical monuments established during early medieval period of Caucasian Albania. Early medievalreligious situation of the country was largely studied by Azerbaijani Albanian scholars. As it is known from the sources, in the early Middle Ages the religious situation in Albania as a whole was extremely complicated. Thus, idolatry persisted, and Christianity and Zoroastrianism struggled to spread. There was a fierce struggle between their ideologues and supporters. The defense of Zoroastrianism by the Sassanids and Christianity by the Romans and then the Byzantines by all means that the inter-religious struggle went beyond the borders of the country.When thinking about the structure of the society that existed in the Gadabay region in the early Middle Ages, it would be more correct to refer directly to sources on the history of Albania. The study of early medieval archeological monuments of Gadabay region used ancient and medieval sources, materials of historical, archeological and ethnographic researches carried out in various monuments, samples of material culture kept in museums, funds and private collections. As it is known, the works of Strabo, Plolemy, Kirokos Ganjali and especially the Albanian historian M. Kalankatuklu provide very valuable information about the history of Albania. Of course, the study of all this in relation to archeological materials and in a comparative manner is great scientific importance.M. Kalankatuklu states that during the reign of the Albanian Tsar Arsvagen and Prince Khurs of Girdiman, "there are still pagans left in Girdiman". At that time, Christianity was already widespread in the country.


  • Like other regions of Caucasian Albania, the territory of Gadabay region is very abundantwith early medieval monuments, including religiousmemorial monuments

  • Medieval religious situation of the country was largely studied by Azerbaijani Albanian scholars

  • In the early Middle Ages, with the adoption of Christianity, the construction of temples began in the territory of Azerbaijan, and it was further expanded during the reign of Momin Vachaga III

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Азербайджанського регіону

У регіоні Гадабай є багато ранньосередньовічних християнських храмів, церков і монастирів, які стосуються Кавказької Албанії. В останнє десятиліття було досліджено храм Гадабай, Чалдаш, Чанахчі, Гірдіман (Пір Джаваншир), Аг кілсе (Біла церква), храми Айріванг та монастир Хамшиванг. Захист зороастризму сасанідами та християнства римлянами, а потім і візантійцями неодмінно сприяє тому, що міжрелігійна боротьба вийшла за межі країни. Яка існувала в регіоні Гадабай у ранньому Середньовіччі, правильніше було б звертатися безпосередньо до джерел з історії Албанії. Ключові слова: храм, церква, монастир, Гадабай, Кавказька Албанія, християнство, Азербайджан, меморіал. В районе Кедабек есть много раннесредневековых христианских храмов, церквей и монастырей, относящихся к Кавказской Албании. В раннем средневековье религиозная ситуация в Албании в целом была чрезвычайно сложной. Ключевые слова: храм, церковь, монастырь, Кедабек, Кавказская Албания, христианство, Азербайджан, мемориал

Mehdiyev Eldar Senior Lecturer Ganja State University
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