
Adults and children can both develop dyslexia, a chronic condition that presents numerous challenges in their social and academic environments. Children with dyslexia often struggle in school, which can lead to feelings of frustration and low self-worth, potentially impacting their long-term well-being. It is crucial for parents to be aware of dyslexia and how it affects their children in order to ensure their sustainable growth. Keep in mind that there is no universal or single method for learning, as every individual is unique and learns, thinks, and behaves differently. This understanding can help dyslexic children lead better lives and overcome the stigma associated with dyslexia. It's common for both parents and children to be hesitant to seek assistance due to the stigma surrounding dyslexia, which can hinder the child's educational progress. This paper aims to provide an overview of the benefits and challenges of early dyslexia identification. Dyslexic children often struggle with developing reliable and efficient phonemic decoding abilities, which makes acquiring a lexicon of sight words a slower process than it is for the average reader. Several factors can impact a child's ability to read, which are discussed in this paper. However, early recognition and treatment of inadequate phonologic awareness are crucial in preventing reading problems in children who are at risk of dyslexia.

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