Freezing of gait (FOG) is a sudden and highly disruptive gait dysfunction that appears in mid to late-stage Parkinson’s disease (PD) and can lead to falling and injury. A system that predicts freezing before it occurs or detects freezing immediately after onset would generate an opportunity for FOG prevention or mitigation and thus enhance safe mobility and quality of life. This research used accelerometer, gyroscope, and plantar pressure sensors to extract 861 features from walking data collected from 11 people with FOG. Minimum-redundancy maximum-relevance and Relief-F feature selection were performed prior to training boosted ensembles of decision trees. The binary classification models identified Total-FOG or No FOG states, wherein the Total-FOG class included data windows from 2 s before the FOG onset until the end of the FOG episode. Three feature sets were compared: plantar pressure, inertial measurement unit (IMU), and both plantar pressure and IMU features. The plantar-pressure-only model had the greatest sensitivity and the IMU-only model had the greatest specificity. The best overall model used the combination of plantar pressure and IMU features, achieving 76.4% sensitivity and 86.2% specificity. Next, the Total-FOG class components were evaluated individually (i.e., Pre-FOG windows, Freeze windows, transition windows between Pre-FOG and Freeze). The best model detected windows that contained both Pre-FOG and FOG data with 85.2% sensitivity, which is equivalent to detecting FOG less than 1 s after the freeze began. Windows of FOG data were detected with 93.4% sensitivity. The IMU and plantar pressure feature-based model slightly outperformed models that used data from a single sensor type. The model achieved early detection by identifying the transition from Pre-FOG to FOG while maintaining excellent FOG detection performance (93.4% sensitivity). Therefore, if used as part of an intelligent, real-time FOG identification and cueing system, even if the Pre-FOG state were missed, the model would perform well as a freeze detection and cueing system that could improve the mobility and independence of people with PD during their daily activities.
While cueing systems based on Freezing of gait (FOG) detection can reduce freezing episode duration, the risk of falling due to freezing is still present because the cue is only administered after freeze onset
The research outcomes indicate that a decision-tree ensemble classifier using features from inertial measurement unit (IMU) and plantar pressure data together can appropriately identify Total-FOG (PreFOG, FOG Transition, FOG)
This model detected the transition between Pre-FOG gait and FOG with
Visual, and tactile cues can help a person overcome freezing episodes and resume walking [4,5]. Freeze-detection systems to automatically identify a freeze episode and activate an assistive cue only when needed are increasingly being studied [4]. While cueing systems based on FOG detection can reduce freezing episode duration, the risk of falling due to freezing is still present because the cue is only administered after freeze onset. A practical freeze identification and cueing system should detect freezing as early as possible. Oncoming freeze episodes would be predicted, and a pre-emptive cue would be used to prevent the episode. If prediction is not possible, early detection of FOG such that a cue can be administered immediately after freeze onset would be beneficial
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