
Abstract Cotton was planted in a Gigger silt loam on 1 May. Plots consisted of 4 rows on 101.6 cm centers x 15.2 m. The test field was not treated with an in-furrow insecticide at planting, but Terraclor Super X (11.2 kg form/ha) was applied to control seedling diseases. Treatments were arranged in a RCB design with 4 replications. In Test 1, insecticides were applied with a tractor mounted boom equipped with a compressed air delivery system calibrated to deliver 93.6 liters total spray/ha through Teejet TVS 8002 flat fan nozzles (2/ row) at 2.11 kg/cm2. In Test 1, plots were treated on 29. May and sampled on 1 Jun (3 DAT), 3 Tun (5 DAT), and 5 Jun (7 DAT). In Test 2, insecticides were applied with a hand boom equipped with CO2 delivery system calibrated to deliver 93.6 liters total spray/ha through Teejet 80015 flat fan nozzles (2/row) at 2.11 kg/cm2. In Test 2, plots were treated on 10 Jun and sampled on 12 Jun (2 DAT), 15 Jun (5 DAT), and 17 Jun (7 DAT). Treatments were evaluated by randomly collecting 10 plants each plot and processing samples with whole plant washing procedures. The plots in Test 1 received 1.1 cm rainfall on 1 Jun, 0.5 cm rainfall on 2 Jun, and a trace amount of rainfall on 3 Jun. The plots in Test 2 received 1.4 cm rainfall on 10 Jun, a trace amount of rainfall on 11 Jun, and 4.9 cm of rainfall on 14 Jun.

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