
The term “good governance” is used to describe the concept of effective publicadministration. This article investigates the role of Kazakhstan e-governmentframework in public administration improvement and the country’s competitivegrowth through bureaucracy reduction and mitigation of corruption risks in thepermitting system. E-government, thanks to the transparency of electroniccommunications and increased accountability of public authorities, fundamentallychanges the nature of the relationship between citizens and the state, creating a newparadigm of public administration that contradicts the traditional bureaucraticparadigm. E-government, allowing citizens to directly contact the state via theInternet, excludes officials from the chain of relations between citizens and the state,and thereby reduces the licensing function of officials as an important resource ofadministrative corruption. Kazakhstan, according to the emerging term of the globaldigital divide - global digital divide, dividing the world into information developedand developing countries, has narrowed this gap. Kazakhstan, being one of theleaders in the CIS, in the international ranking on readiness for e-government (EGovernment Readiness Index) in 2018 took the 39th position.

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