
The article presents the results of studies on the dynamics of total protein content in blood serum of sows depending on the cortical and vegetative mechanisms of regulation under exposure to technological stimulus. Experiments were carried out on 3 years old pigs of large white breed. Types of higher nervous activity in pigs were determined using method of conditioned food reflexes. According to the studying of conditioned reflex activity 4 experimental groups were formed, 5 animals in each. The 1-st group consisted of sows with strong balanced mobile, the 2-nd – strong balanced inert, the 3-rd – strong unbalanced, and the 4-th – weak types of higher nervous activity. Then in experimental animals we studied the tone of the autonomic nervous system using trygeminovagal test, by the results of which we formed 3 experimental groups (normotonics, sympathicotonics, vagotonics), 5 animals in each. Before exposure to technological stimulus and in 1, 3, 7, 14 and 28 days after its impact, blood samples were taken for biochemical studies in all experimental animals. Before exposure to technological stimulus content of total protein in swine blood serum between animals with strong types of higher nervous activity did not differ significantly. Animals with weak type of higher nervous activity had lower level of this metabolite than animals with strong balanced mobile type. After exposure to technological stimulus the total protein level in swine blood serum significantly decreased. In sows with strong balanced mobile type, the content of total protein starting from the 7-th day after exposure to technological stimulus returned to values that were before stress factor impact. At the same time, in sows with weak type of higher nervous activity, the level of total protein in blood returned to the reference values only in 28 days after exposure to technological stimulus. The basal level of total protein in blood serum in pigs with different tone of autonomic nervous system didn’t differ significantly. In sows normotonics was found a significantly higher content of total protein in blood serum than in sows vagotonics and sympathicotonics during first week after exposure to stress factor.


  • Dynamics of total protein content in blood of sows depending on peculiarities of nervous system activity

  • The article presents the results of studies on the dynamics of total protein content in blood serum of sows depending on the cortical and vegetative mechanisms of regulation under exposure to technological stimulus

  • In experimental animals we studied the tone of the autonomic nervous system using trygeminovagal test, by the results of which we formed 3 experimental groups, 5 animals in each

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Article info

R., Karpovskyi, V., Danchuk, O., & Kryvoruchko, D. (2019). Dynamics of total protein content in blood of sows depending on peculiarities of nervous system activity. Before exposure to technological stimulus content of total protein in swine blood serum between animals with strong types of higher nervous activity did not differ significantly. In sows with weak type of higher nervous activity, the level of total protein in blood returned to the reference values only in 28 days after exposure to technological stimulus. До впливу технологічного подразника вміст загального білка в сироватці крові у свиноматок сильних типів вищої нервової діяльності істотно не відрізнявся. Після впливу технологічного подразника рівень загального білка в сироватці крові свиней вірогідно зменшувався. У свиноматок сильного врівноваженого рухливого типу вміст загального білка, починаючи з 7-ої доби після дії технологічного подразника, повертався до значень, що були до впливу стрес-фактора. Водночас у свиноматок слабкого типу вищої нервової діяльності рівень загального білка в крові повертався до референтного значення лише через 28 діб після впливу технологічного подразника. Ключові слова: свині, типи вищої нервової діяльності, автономна нервова система, кров, загальний білок, стрес

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За тонусом автономної нервової системи
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