The article presents the results of research and calculations on the formation of a radial electron beam by a magnetron gun with a secondary emission cathode in the electron energy range 35...65 keV and measuring its parameters during transportation in the total decreasing magnetic field of thesolenoid and the stray field of permanent magnets. The beam was transported in a system consisting of copper rings with an inner diameter of 66 mm,located at a distance of 85 mm from the exit of the magnetron gun. The dependence of the beam current on the amplitude and gradient of the fielddecay has been studied. The studies carried out have shown the possibility of stable formation of a radial electron beam with an energy of tens of keVin the decreasing magnetic field of the solenoid. By optimizing the distribution of the magnetic field (created by the solenoid and ring magnets) and itsdecay gradient, it is possible to achieve an increase in the incident of electrons on one ring (up to ~72% of the beam current). On the basis of themathematical model of the movement of the electron flow, a software tool has been synthesized that makes it possible to obtain and interpret thecharacteristics of the resulting flows. The obtained numerical dependences are in satisfactory agreement with the experimental results for a magneticfield with a large decay gradient. Various configurations of the magnetic field are considered. Solutions to the direct problem of modeling electrontrajectories for given initial conditions and parameters are obtained. Various configurations of the magnetic field are considered. It is shown that forthe selected initial conditions for the electron beam and the distributions of the longitudinal magnetic field along the axis of the gun and the transportchannel, the electron flux falls on a vertical section, the length of which is on the order of a millimeter. Thus, by changing the amplitude anddistribution of the magnetic field, it is possible to control the current in the radial direction along the length of the pipe, and, therefore, the place of theelectron irradiation.
Розглянуто різні зміни магнітного поля
Изменяя амплитуду и распределение магнитного поля, можно регулировать ток в радиальном направлении вдоль длины трубы, и, следовательно, место электронного облучения
ДИНАМИКА ЭЛЕКТРОННОГО ПУЧКА ФОРМИРУЕМОГО МАГНЕТРОННОЙ ПУШКОЙ С ВТОРИЧНОЭМИССИОННЫМ КАТОДОМ, В СПАДАЮЩЕМ МАГНИТНОМ ПОЛЕ СОЛЕНОИДА: ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТ И МОДЕЛИРОВАНИЕ. 3. Распределение продольного магнитного поля вдоль оси пушки и канала транспортировки пучка В экспериментальных исследованиях в диапазоне энергий электронов 35...65 кэВ обнаружено, что величина тока пучка в радиальном направлении и его распределение вдоль длины металлических колец зависит от амплитуды распределения магнитного поля вдоль оси системы и градиента спада поля.
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