
All systems are open to an essentially uncontrollable environment that acts as a source of decoherence and dissipation. In some cases the environment's only effect is to add a weak relaxation mechanism and thus can be ignored for short timescales. In others, however, the presence of the environment can fundamentally alter the behavior of the system. Such is the case in mesoscopic superconductors where the environment can stabilize superconductivity and in spin-boson systems where the environment induces a localization transition. Likewise, in technological applications we are often interested in systems operating far from equilibrium. Here the environment might act as a particle reservoir or strong driving force. In all these examples, we need accurate methods to describe the influence of the environment on the system and to solve for the resulting dynamics or equilibrium states. In this thesis, we develop computational and conceptual approaches to efficiently simulate quantum systems in contact with an environment. Our starting point is the use of numerical renormalization techniques. Thus, we restrict our attention to one-dimensional lattices or small quantum systems coupled to an environment. We have developed several complementary algorithms: a superoperator renormalization algorithm for simulating real-time Markovian dynamics and for calculating states in thermal equilibrium; a blocking algorithm for simulating integro-differential equations with long-time memory; and a tensor network algorithm for branched lattices, which can be used to simulate strongly dissipative systems. Further, we provide support for an idea that to generically and accurately simulate the real-time dynamics of strongly dissipative systems, one has to include all or part of the environment within the simulation. In addition, we discuss applications and open questions.

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