
Wireless power transfer (WPT) has emerged as a promising solution for delivering services to low-power Internet of Things (IoT) devices in a demand-driven manner. In this work, we consider the Wireless power-enabled Hybrid Mobile Edge Cloud (WPHMEC) network, which utilizes a dynamic offloading strategy (partial and binary) to maximize computational efficiency while minimizing device energy consumption. To address this challenge, we formulate a convex optimization problem to maximize the number of computational bits and minimize the energy consumption of the IIoT devices in the WPT-based MEC system for Industry 5.0 applications. To achieve this goal, we employ a reformulation approach based on block coordinate descent (BCD) to formulate an optimization problem that addresses the nonconvexity of the problem and propose a solution approach using the Karush–Kuhn–Tucker (KKT) conditions. To validate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme, extensive simulations are carried out using the Matlab software to evaluate the system’s performance and components. The results demonstrate that optimal resource allocation maximizes energy efficiency and enhances computational resource utilization, making WPHMEEC an ideal choice for addressing the evolving demands of Industry 5.0 applications.

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