This paper examines the perspectives of esports players on organizational support to ensure and enhance their mental well-being and physical health throughout their esports careers. Drawing insights from one of the most substantial data sets in the field, a total of 33 participants were recruited for this study, including professional (n = 21), semiprofessional (n = 6), amateur (n = 4), and retired players (n = 2). Data were collected via semistructured interviews, allowing for in-depth exploration of participants’ responses. Thematic analysis was then conducted, identifying three key themes: (a) limited organizational support available, (b) demand for psychological and mental support, and (c) importance of maintaining fitness and addressing physical health issues. The results indicate that organizational support was limited, highlighting a critical need for further attention from stakeholders. The findings emphasize the importance of providing comprehensive support to enhance esports players’ performance and overall well-being. This includes a strong focus on promoting mental well-being and physical health, which are crucial for sustaining long-term success and health in the competitive esports environment. Hence, the key stakeholders in the esports industry should take action to establish effective support systems that prioritize players’ physical health and mental well-being, drawing on this empirical evidence. The findings indicate a potential need for culturally sensitive interventions to address the unique psychological needs of esports players from diverse backgrounds. Furthermore, by implementing such interventions, the esports industry can foster a more supportive and effective environment for its players.
Published Version
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