
The problem of the durability of construction materials and engineering structures has always been and remains relevant. This parameter depends on many factors that daily effect the construction material such as operating conditions, temperature, precipitation, aggressiveness of the environment, and density. The issue of durability is especially relevant for bridges. The main role in the preservation of materials over time and durability is played by a binder on the basis of which they are made. Today, on the territory of Ukraine, there is a fairly large number of structures built in the 19th and early 20th centuries, where lime was used as a binder. Studying the construction materials from the Collegium building by Pavlo Galagan in Kyiv, it was revealed that the outer walls and foundation were authentic. As a result of the research, it was found that materials based on lime binder had high durability, despite the fact that they were used in an aggressive environment. The high durability of lime binders and materials that have lime as a base allows us to advice, after appropriate justification, the use of lime in enclosing structures, in cases where high strength is not required.

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