
Right from the inception of Ayurveda, through its development across the ages, the fundamental principles of Ayurveda have been influenced and enriched by the thoughts and logics from different Indian philosophical schools. Among the many branches of Indian philosophical schools, Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Samkhya, Vedanta and certain Buddhist schools had a great influence in building up the basic fundamental principles of Ayurveda. The theory of causality behind every action i.e. Karya Karana Vada has been adopted by the majority of Indian philosophical schools with their own unique explanation, which gives the distinct identity to each of the doctrines related to the theory of cause and effect. Charaka Samhita, one of the most fundamental treatise of Ayurveda has adopted many of them and explains different biological as well as universal phenomenon on the basis of these theories. A number of doctrines and concepts those are described both in different philosophical schools and Charaka Samhita, among which Paramanu Vada (doctrine of atom), Pilu Paka Vada (doctrine of molecular change), Pithara Paka Vada (doctrine of physical change), Sat Karya Vada (doctrine of causation), Asat Karya Vada (doctrine of non - existence), Arambhavada (doctrine of commencement), Parinama Vada (doctrine of transformation), Vivarta Vada (doctrine of appearances), Kshanabhangura Vada (doctrine of momentariness), and Swabhavoparama Vada (doctrine of self-destruction) are some of the theories which are discussed in this present study with descriptions & examples available in Charaka Samhita.

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