
Introduction: According to the foremost compendium of Ayurveda, Charaka Samhita, Mana or Sattva (mind) constitute Purusha - the subject matter of this Ayurveda science. Mana (mind) in association with Indriya (sen-sory organs), Atma (soul) and Sharira (physical body) constitute Ayu which is considered as span of life. Differ-ent sensory organs are capable of perceiving anything only when associated with the mind. Mana which in asso-ciation with Ahamkara (ego) and Buddhi (intellect) constitutes the basic cascade for perceiving any type of knowledge. Aims and objectives: Metaphysical analysis of the concept of Mana (human mind) as discussed in Charaka Samhita along with its various characteristics and functions. Discussions: Among the principal charac-teristics of mind Anutva (atomicity) and Ekatva (having only one existence) are considered as most important. Also, it is considered as beyond the purview of senses. The principal objects of mind are considered to be five - Chintya (things requiring thought), Vicharya (consideration), Uhyam (proposing hypothesis), Dhyeyam (emo-tional attention) and Sankalpya (determination). Indriyabhigraha (controlling the sense faculties), Swasya Nigraha (self - restraint), Uhya (proposing hypothesis) and Vicharya (consideration) represents the actions of mind. Acharya Charaka has classified mind into three distinct types: 1. Shuddha Sattva 2. Rajas Sattva and 3. Tamas Sattva - which has many sub types. All these types of minds determine the mental as well as physical behaviour of human. Conclusion: In Charaka Samhita, different aspects of human mind have been dealt with great importance. The different characteristics of mind, its different objects as well as its various functions have been thoroughly discussed and analysed in different chapters of Charaka Samhita. The metaphysical background of all these discussions can be related with the eternal thoughts of different Indian philosophical schools like Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Samkhya etc.

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