
With the acceptance of Islam by the Turks, serious differences have been observed in Turkish literary activities starting from the XI and XIIth centuries, Literary movement called "Divan literature", which developed under the influence of Arabic and especially Persian literature in the early periods, appeared. Since Divan poetry is a literature that is based on the Islamic religion, the influence of other religions and cultures, which entered into the religion of Islam and which we call Isrâiliyyat, inevitably has made itself felt in this literature. The parables of the Prophets made up a rich material for Divan poetry and has become referenced sources frequently by Divan poets. The creation and life story of Prophet Adam, who is accepted as the first human being in all Abrahamic religions, also attracted the attention of Divan poets, and narrations about him were frequently used in couplets. In this study, the narrations about Hz. Adam in Divan poetry has been analyzed and these narrations have been compared with the verses in the Qur'an in which Hz. Adam is described. As a result of this comparison, the narrations that do not have a reference in the verses or contradict the verses are considered within the realm of Isrâiliyat. Keywords: Israiliyat, Hz. Adam, Diwan poetry, Qur’an parables.

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