
Successful development of poultry farming can be achieved not only as a result of the creation of highly productive new breeds of geese, the improvement of diets for nutrients, but also in the conditions of stable epizootic well-being of infectious and invasive diseases. Parasitic diseases of domestic waterfowl account for a large proportion of other diseases and cause significant damage to geese farming. Among helminthiases of geese, infections caused by nematodes parasitizing in the gastrointestinal tract of birds, in particular Trichostrongylus tenuis, are quite common. The aim of this study was to study the distribution of trichostrongylosis among populations of domestic geese in the territory of Poltava region, Ukraine (Velyka Bahachka, Hlobyne, Hrebinka, Zinkiv, Karlivka, Poltava, Myrhorod, Shyshaky districts). The conducted scatoscopical studies showed that the average extensity and intensity of trichostrongylosic infestation was respectively 22.9 % and 89.7 ± 8.2 eggs per 1 g of poultry feces. Invasiveness in the region studied ranged from 17.2 to 26.7 % and from 20 to 380 eggs per 1 g of feces. At the same time, it was found out that the degree of affliction of domestic geese by the agent of trichostrongylosis in farms with different capacity and technology of keeping was significantly different. In individual farms and farms, the extensity and intensity of the invasion of geese is higher (24.4 % and 97.7 ± 10.7 eggs per 1 g of feces) than in the specialized geese farms (16.1 % and 70.3 ± 15.1 eggs in 1 g of feces). It has been found that goose trichostrongylosis is more frequently present in the mixinvasions of the digestive canal of the bird along with protosooses and nematodoses. Extensity of mixinvasions reaches 18.1 %, which is 78.9 % of the total number of patients at geese trichostrongylosis. Extensity of trichostrongylosic mono-invasion was 4.8 % (21.1 % of the total invasion of T. tenuis birds). The results of the conducted studies lead to a further, deeper study of the issues of epizootic features of trichostrongylosis of geese, taking into account the seasonal and age dynamics of invasion, as well as the effectiveness of therapeutic and preventive measures.


  • Infections caused by nematodes parasitizing in the gastrointestinal tract of birds, in particular Trichostrongylus tenuis, are quite common

  • The aim of this study was to study the distribution of trichostrongylosis among populations of domestic geese in the territory of Poltava region, Ukraine (Velyka Bahachka, Hlobyne, Hrebinka, Zinkiv, Karlivka, Poltava, Myrhorod, Shyshaky districts)

  • The conducted scatoscopical studies showed that the average extensity and intensity of trichostrongylosic infestation was respectively 22.9 % and 89.7 ± 8.2 eggs per 1 g of poultry feces

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Article info

Distribution of trichostrongylosis of geese on the territory of Poltava region. The aim of this study was to study the distribution of trichostrongylosis among populations of domestic geese in the territory of Poltava region, Ukraine (Velyka Bahachka, Hlobyne, Hrebinka, Zinkiv, Karlivka, Poltava, Myrhorod, Shyshaky districts). The conducted scatoscopical studies showed that the average extensity and intensity of trichostrongylosic infestation was respectively 22.9 % and 89.7 ± 8.2 eggs per 1 g of poultry feces. Extensity of mixinvasions reaches 18.1 %, which is 78.9 % of the total number of patients at geese trichostrongylosis. The results of the conducted studies lead to a further, deeper study of the issues of epizootic features of trichostrongylosis of geese, taking into account the seasonal and age dynamics of invasion, as well as the effectiveness of therapeutic and preventive measures

Поширення трихостронгільозу гусей на території Полтавської області
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