AbstractQinling orogen is one of the five main repository distribution provinces of large scale graphite resources. Graphite occurrence strata are multitudinous including NeoArchaean group to Neopaleozoic. Mineral deposit types are complete consisting of crystal flaky graphite deposit and aphanitic graphite deposit, ore types of the former are main graphite gneiss, graphite schist and graphitized marble, and ore types of the latter are main graphite layer metamorphosised from coal bed and graphitic carbargilite. At present, most graphite deposits with low research degree only implement preliminary investigations of the graphite resource, which has a good prospect. Based on the basic material of dozens of graphite deposits, spots and plays discovered in the Qinling orogen, this paper applied geologic multidisciplinary analysis method to disclose the graphite deposit types of the Qinling orogen, mainly through outdoors geologic survey and specimen examination with analysis of some typical deposits: regional metamorphism crystal graphite deposits and thermo‐contact metamorphic aphanitic graphite deposits, with the control of latitudinally trending regional tectonic, graphite deposits of the Qinling orogen distribute sublatitudinally trending three large ore belts: I the Neoarchean–Proterozoic basement crystal graphite enrichment deposits zone along the south margin of North China plate; II the Carboniferous intermountain basin group aphanitic graphite enrichment deposits zone near the Shangdan suture of the West Qinling; III Paleozoic crystal graphite enrichment deposits zone in the Qinling paleomicroplate of the west part of the East Qinling.Conclusions are reached from multiple inquiries: Qinling multi‐cycle complex continental collision orogen zone has experienced multiple tectonic framework transformation and polyphase tectonic thermal event from NeoArchean Erathem adjointing multiple graphite tectonic mineralization cycle. In the light of chief control of mineralization and ore types, each of the three large graphite deposits belts of the Qinling orogen has its own genesis: I graphite deposits enriched metallogenetic zone is that regional tectogenetic movement from NeoArchaean caused polyphase metapepsis, which superimposed up and reconstructed NeoArchean Erathem to Proterozoic basement, forming regional metamorphic big flake crystal graphite deposits; II graphite deposits enriched metallogenetic zone is that polyphase regional tectogenetic movement associated with multiple heating caused by multiphase igneous intrusion, which resulted in original coal layers emerging multiple thermo‐contact metamorphisms and formed thermo‐contact metamorphic aphanitic graphite deposits. III graphite deposits enriched metallogenetic zone is that Palaeozoic cap–rock experienced polyphase metapepsis, forming regional metamorphic finely flake crystal graphite deposits. Comprehensive research of metallogenetic mechanism in graphite deposits and its associated profitable deposits of the Qinling orogen is importance for future exploration.
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