
The amalgamations of 1906 and 1914 factorized emergence of the geo-political entity called Nigeria. Created from more than two hundred and fifty different ethnic groups, several kingdoms, chiefdoms and loose territories unanimously wear the gown of a nation. National question, however, has been a major issue in the Nigerian context. Since independence till present epoch, the nation has always had contending issues on ethnic, religious and political party representations and shares, thus, revisiting the national question. Allowing Lord Fredrick Lugard rest in peace, this paper looks beyond the problem of the forced unification of different groups into a nation. It x-rays the state mechanisms towards resolving the national question by mitigating the factors for disintegration cries. It discovers that the limitations of governance in Nigeria are the causes of re-occurring challenges of nationhood. The paper proffers ‘answers’ to national question and concludes that upholding one Nigeria, ruled with good governance mechanisms is the best option, while mutually agreed and peaceful secession is better than disintegration laced with warfare. The study adopts historical method. It presents its secondary sources with the use of analytical approach.

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