There have been hitherto supplied not a few discussions if the fluviatile terraces around the Japan Alps and other high mountains in Japan, could be of the origination during the glacial phase. It is true that the Pleistocene topographic landscapes are notably characterized by the well-developed fluviatile terraces standing along inland rivers.In basins and valleys around the Japan Alps is recognized a wide extension of the fill top terraces which seems to indicate the former existence of a time when a vast amount of detritus filled up these lowlands.Taking advantages of the modes of occurrence of the tephra-layers as the key beds of correlation, the author has reached a conclusion that the valley filling above-mentioned might perhaps have taken place during the 3rd Interglacial, as is shown in the suggested correlation put in Table 1.These facts seem to imply that the accumulation terracing in these basins and valleys around the Japan Alps have never been influenced seriously by the climatic deteriolation, accordingly that even during the glacial maximal phase, the territory the author has concerned with could by no means be assigned to the periglacial or the proglacial morphogenetic region.
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