The discrimination of excess toxicity from narcotic effect plays a crucial role in the study of modes of toxic action for organic compounds. In this paper, the toxicity data of 758 chemicals to Daphnia magna and 993 chemicals to Tetrahymena pyriformis were used to investigate the excess toxicity. The result showed that mode of toxic action of chemicals is species dependent. The toxic ratio (TR) calculated from baseline model over the experimentally determined values showed that some classes (e.g. alkanes, alcohols, ethers, aldehydes, esters and benzenes) shared same modes of toxic action to both D. magna and T. pyriformis. However, some classes may share different modes of toxic action to T. pyriformis and D. magna (e.g. anilines and their derivatives). For the interspecies comparison, same reference threshold need to be used between species toxicity. The excess toxicity indicates that toxicity enhancement is driven by reactive or specific toxicity. However, not all the reactive compounds exhibit excess toxicity. In theory, the TR threshold should not be related with the experimental uncertainty. The experimental uncertainty only brings the difficulty for discriminating the toxic category of chemicals. The real threshold of excess toxicity which is used to identify baseline from reactive chemicals should be based on the critical concentration difference inside body, rather than critical concentration outside body (i.e. EC50 or IGC50). The experimental bioconcentration factors can be greatly different from predicted bioconcentration factors, resulting in different toxic ratios and leading to mis-classification of toxic category and outliers.
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