<p>本研究主要探討建築從業人員對於減碳設計手法之「設計可行性」、「減碳效益」與「使用意願」之認知情形。首先歸納常用的30項減碳設計手法,再取得101份有效問卷進行統計與差異分析。結果顯示,減碳認知得分大致呈現「減碳效益」與「使用意願」高於「設計可行性」之情形,而「高效率燈具」、「省水設備」、「變頻系統主機」、「建築遮陽設計」與「高效率空調」是獲得整體認知高分的設計手法。減碳設計手法的認知差異整體以「設計可行性」較為顯著,尤其對應建築從業人員的「年齡」與「教育程度」的部分。若將實際減碳效益與認知結果進行比較,「自然通風」與「熱泵系統」則是被低估的減碳手法。雖然減碳手法能否落實設計,可能受到其他內外部因素的影響,但減碳設計的瞭解度與使用意願呈現正相關,建議未來應加強減碳策略的教育與推廣,將減碳認知化為具體行動。</p> <p>&nbsp;</p><p>This study primarily investigates the awareness of architecture professionals regarding the feasibility, carbon reduction benefits, and their willingness to implement carbon reduction design techniques. A compendium of 30 carbon reduction design strategies was initially curated, and 101 valid questionnaires were collected for analysis. The results showed that the willingness to implement these strategies and the expected carbon reduction benefits received higher ratings than the perceived feasibility of implementation. Notably, design techniques such as ’high-efficiency lighting,’ ’water-saving equipment,’ ’variable frequency system controllers,’ ’architectural shading design,’ and ’high-efficiency HVAC systems’ received high overall scores. Moreover, disparities in feasibility of carbon reduction design were accentuated, primarily concerning the demographic factors of ’age’ and ’educational level.’ The positive correlation between the understanding of carbon reduction design and the willingness to implement it suggests the importance of enhancing education and promotion of carbon reduction strategies.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
Published Version
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