
In this article we have studied the specific features of the liability of insolvency administrators for disciplinary offenses. The norms of the current legislation (in particular, the Bankruptcy Proceedings Code of Ukraine, the Tax Code of Ukraine, the Labor Code of Ukraine) regarding the determination of the legal status of insolvency officers and the specific features for bringing them to liability have been analysed in the article. The purpose of this research was to study problematic issues related to the liability of insolvency administrators. During the research general scientific methods, in particular dialectical, methods of analysis and synthesis, formal and legal, systematic approach have been used. It is concluded that disciplinary liability in the profession of insolvency officers in Ukraine is of mixed nature. It is partly civil, partly disciplinary and administrative liability -- in its essence -- and is not clearly regulated by the current legislation. Referring to the facts of bringing insolvency administrators to disciplinary liability even for a single offense has, on the one hand, elements of civil liability. On the other hand, disciplinary liability can also be imposed on insolvency administrators.

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