
The article considers the specifics and problems of administrative liability for offenses in the field of information legal relations. Due to the rapid development of information relations, the issue of regulatory and legal support of information security has become especially relevant. A brief description of the concepts of «information legal relations», «information offense», «administrative liability» is briefly considered. The current normative legal acts concerning the imposition of administrative liability for offenses in the field of information relations were considered and analyzed. The shortcomings of the current legislation in the field of administrative liability and their impact on the information sphere were identified and described. The application of the legislation that regulate information legal relations in practice demonstrates vivid examples of information offenses and the impossibility of ensuring full information security of society. To combat violations of rights in this field there is an institution of legal liability, which is represented by administrative, criminal, civil and disciplinary liability. The main and most applicable is administrative liability. The current mechanisms of administrative liability in the information sphere are considered and a number of inaccuracies contained in the current legislation were considered. There is a real need for further detailed research and development of the institute of legal responsibility in the field of information relations. Today it is at the stage of formation and development. Thus, it was concluded that it is necessary to allocate a separate section in the Code of Administrative Offenses, which would provide a complete list of offenses in the field of information circulation. The positive consequences of creating a rule that would provide for administrative liability of legal entities for committing information offenses are considered. However, the need to regulate the norms of the Code of Administrative Offenses to establish responsibility for the content and quality of media content on television and radio is noted.

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