
Recent magnetotransport and neutron scattering measurements implicate interfacial magneto-electronic phase separation as the origin of the degradation in transport and magnetism in ultra-thin film La1−xSrxCoO3 on SrTiO3(001). Here, using low temperature scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy the first direct, real space observation of this nanoscopic electronic inhomogeneity is provided. Films of thickness 12.4 nm (32 unit cells) are found to exhibit spatially uniform conductance, in stark contrast to 4.7 nm (12 unit cell) films that display rich variations in conductance, and thus local density of states. The electronic heterogeneity occurs across a hierarchy of length scales (5–50 nm), with complex correlations with both topography and applied magnetic fields. These results thus provide a direct observation of magneto-electronic inhomogeneity in SrTiO3(001)/La0.5Sr0.5CoO3 at thicknesses below 6–7 nm, in good agreement with less direct techniques.

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