
For the transient dynamic analysis of structural systems, the direct numerical integration of the equations of motion may be regarded as an alternative to the mode superposition method for linear problems and a necessity for nonlinear problems. When compared to a modal superposition solution, the direct integration approach is attractive in that the eigenvalue problem is avoided. Depending on the amount of information required from the dynamic analysis, e.g. frequencies, frequencies and mode shapes, and/or a complete time history, a direct integration scheme may prove to be more efficient than a modal superposition solution for some linear problems as well. The purpose of this study is to develop and demonstrate a direct integration algorithm which is compatible with an existing high-precision rotational shell finite element. Excellent comparative efficiency for static problems was achieved with this element by the incorporation of the exact geometry, the utilization of high-order interpolation polynomials and, yet, the retention of only a minimum number of nodal variables in the global formulation. Likewise, accurate and efficient results for the free vibration analysis of rotational shells were facilitated by the inclusion of a consistent mass matrix and the utilization of a rationally justified kinematic condensation procedure. The approach to the direct integration stage is strongly tempered by the established characteristics of this element which enable a given shell to be modeled accurately in the spatial domain with a comparatively coarse discretization. The equations of motion for a shell of revolution under conservative loading are derived from Hamilton's variational principle and specialized for the discretization of a rotational shell into curved shell elements. Degrees of freedom in excess of those required to establish minimum (C°) continuity at the nodal circles are eliminated through kinematic condensation. Some guidance as to the proper order of the polynominal approximations for a dynamic analysis is provided by earlier free vibration studies. Whereas the condensation is exact for static problems, it is only approximate for dynamic response and it was found that the accuracy of the eigenvalues obtained for the reduced problem decreases with increasing order of the condensed functions. This tendency is counted by the desirability of using sufficiently high-order interpolations so as to permit accurate stress computations, both at the nodal circles and between nodes since a coarse discretization is necessary to realize maximum efficiency. It was found that cubic polynomials were generally satisfactory from both standpoints, except in localized regions of high stress gradients where quintic polynomials were employed. The finite element discretizations for the direct integration studies were selected on this basis. For the high-precision finite element at hand, the efficiencies achieved in the space domain are demonstrated by the ability to achieve precise solutions with relatively coarse discretization patterns. The resulting comparatively large elements are not subject to accurate representation by diagonal mass matrices so that an implicit, consistent mass approach is followed. Efficiency in the time domain as well rests on the successful modeling of rotational shells subject to dynamic loading using coarse discretitations in space and large increments in time. Computational efficiency and accuracy are demonstrated for various problems documented in the literature, including a shallow spherical cap subject to a step pulse and a hyperboloidal shell under a simulated dynamic wind pressure.

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