
This article presents an important topic in the field of resto­ra­tive dental medicine: the direct restoration of hard dental tis­sue loss in the frontal area of the dental arches. This can be achieved with great success nowadays, even though the volume of loss of dental hard substance is important. Mo­­dern techniques and materials allow for longevity and long-term stability of the restoration, and the physiognomic as­pect is fully reproduced, with reduced costs for the pa­tient. The modern composite resins, with which direct resto­ra­tions are carried out in this area, have both increased bio­lo­gi­cal and adhesion properties, but at the same time they of­fer a faithful reproduction of the enamel and dentine, from an aesthetic point of view. This is the main re­quire­ment of the patients in the modern society, in which the plea­sant aspect is a condition of social integration.

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