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Imperatives and determinants of forming the behavior of agro-traders

In today's dynamic environment, agritraders confront a myriad of intricate challenges and opportunities. Their role necessitates a constant analysis of market trends, supply, and demand, coupled with the ability to engage with diverse stakeholder groups effectively. The behavior of agricultural traders is shaped by a complex interplay of objective and subjective factors, demanding a comprehensive understanding from the perspectives of socio-economic psychology and management practice. In this light, scientific research on the imperatives and determinants of agro-traders' behavior formation assumes paramount importance. This article endeavors to delve into the main factors influencing agro-traders' decision-making, their strategies of action, and their interactions with partners in the agrarian sector. The agricultural sector is essential to the Ukrainian economy, forming up to 20% of the gross domestic product. According to data as of the end of 2021, agribusiness accounted for almost 40% of the country's foreign exchange earnings and had positive development dynamics over the past five years. Ukraine is one of the world's largest grain exporters, producing about 100 million tons annually. Despite the achievements, the agricultural sector faces numerous problems, such as: instability of markets and fluctuations in product prices, difficulties in ensuring effective risk management, high competition on international markets, instability of the economic situation in the country and its impact on the financial support of agriculture, high dependence on climatic conditions and natural disasters, instability of the legislative environment and administrative procedures. For agricultural traders to effectively function in the modern market environment, it is necessary to carefully study and analyze the imperatives and determinants of their behavior, which is the subject of this article. Keywords: agribusiness, agrotrading, risk, development, agrotrading behavior.

The Use of Databases in the Analysis of the Scene of Crime

The problems of using databases in the crime scene analysis are due to changes in the structure of crime, adaptation of innovative technologies to the needs of law enforcement, and protection of human rights. The complex of these aspects determines the relevance of the topic. The aim of the study is identifying the peculiarities of using databases in the crime scene analysis and the prospects for improving law enforcement activities with a view to crime trends. The research employed logical, comparative methods, forecasting. It was revealed that the mechanism of database creation and use is aimed at the fulfilment of the tasks of working with traces at the crime scene. Correspondence of databases to the needs of law enforcement activities is assessed through criteria grouped into resource, organizational and regulatory clusters. Prospective databases should take crime trends into account. The latest methods of working with traces are the final stage of the adaptation of research in the field of criminal justice. The academic novelty of the study consists in a critical examination of the use of databases in the crime scene analysis as a complex of the issues of communications and innovations in law enforcement activities. The study opens up prospects for the development of unified algorithms for information exchange for counteraction to transnational crime.

Open Access
Informal institutionalization in modern Ukraine: Technological aspect

The relevance of the research lies in the observation that, while Ukraine has established formal democratic institutions since its independence, many democratization issues remain unresolved. These formal structures lack effectiveness and support, with informal, often non-democratic political processes and secret agreements continuing to prevail. The study aims to conclude a theoretical study, conceptualization, and generalization of the problems of the existence of informal institutions, as well as a comprehensive analysis of practical technologies of informal institutionalization in modern Ukraine. The authors used such general scientific methods as analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, abstraction, the ascent from the abstract to the concrete. The authors considered such informal institutions that exist in the political reality of Ukraine, such as lobbying, corruption, populism, non-conventional forms of political participation of citizens, party agreements, clientelism, and political bargaining. The effective technologies for the informal institutionalization of modern Ukraine, including technologies for eliminating authoritarian practices, technologies of party structuring, technologies of political participation and technologies for the formation of democratic political consciousness have been proposed. These technologies are aimed at the political modernization of Ukraine, ensuring the institutional functioning of democracy at the proper level and minimizing the negative effects of informal institutions.

Government response on russian war in Ukraine: Relocating business

The russian war in Ukraine replaced not only millions of people but also businesses in the safer regions of Ukraine. The study aims to identify regional stakeholders’ emergency responses in reaction to the russian war in Ukraine associated with business relocations and their impact on the host region. Employing qualitative research methods, including focus group discussions and in-depth semi-structured interviews with 25 informants (representatives of departments of economic development of regional authorities and administrators of regional development agencies), the study was conducted between March and May 2023. The findings reveal a diverse range of relocation strategies, with a significant inclination toward safer western and central regions of Ukraine, which accounted for more than 70% of displaced businesses. The notable share of relocated companies are wholesale and retail trade companies and the processing industry companies – 40% and 32%, respectively. It is assumed that not capital-intensive companies were relocated first. The support from regional stakeholders played a crucial role in mitigating business challenges related to relocation (communication difficulties, market loss, supply chain disruptions, and employee relocation issues, providing comprehensive assistance, and facilitating integration into the new socio-economic environment). The study acknowledges potential biases in responses and emphasizes the importance of correctly interpreting results. The study results are helpful for policy-making regarding regional development and the post-war rebuilding of Ukraine. AcknowledgmentThe study was conducted within the framework of the State Budget of the Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman on the topic “Displaced business in revitalization of regional ecosystems in Ukraine” (state registration number 0123U100357).

Open Access
Social innovations in the company’s strategic goals: peculiarities, classification, efficiency evaluation

The article is devoted to the features, classification and evaluation of the effectiveness of social innovations in the implementation of the company's strategic goals. The object of the study is the process of formation and implementation of social innovations in the company's activities. At the same time, the development of the concept of social innovations from the 19th century to the present is considered in detail. Special attention is paid to the interpretation of social innovations and strategic goals of the company in Ukrainian and foreign economic science. The research problem is the complexity of forming modern classifications and evaluating the effectiveness of social innovations in the company's strategic goals. The essence of the obtained results is the disclosure of the theoretical provisions of social innovations and strategic goals, the determination of approaches and methods for evaluating the effectiveness of social innovations, as well as the role of social innovations as a tool for achieving the strategic goals of the enterprise. In the reasoned conclusions of the study, it is explained that the gradation of the results of the implementation of social innovations at the enterprise depending on the type (personal, economic, image and social) indicates that each of them has both positive and negative features; methods of evaluating the impact of innovations on the company's performance are shown. In particular, the assessment of the effectiveness of social innovations is also important because their implementation requires a lot additional efforts, which shifts the focus and can distract from solving important issues that are often urgent. The state of war, the destruction of the usual approaches to doing business, the loss of qualified management personnel, specialists in various processes does not allow to effectively find and implement innovations in the social, environmental and managerial components. All these aspects are considered in the context of the effective implementation of the company's strategic goals in the conditions of a dynamic transformational society, in which the research results can be used in practice.

Open Access
Motifs of the Media Narrative ‘Female Migrant Worker’ in Ukrainian, Polish, and Italian Cinema

Lately, the image of a woman-wage earner, a migrant from another country, has become a particular symbol of the economic disadvantage of some countries and a symbol of the search for a better life in a foreign land. In the Ukrainian cultural context, the image of a wage earner in literature is classic: starting with oral folk art and fiction and ending with film images of the modern period. Instead, our study proposes to change slightly the aspect of view to the problem and to analyse it through the prism of gender and national stereotypes, highlighting the critical narratives of the history of migration and employment of women, not only Ukrainian but also Polish. This will remove some of the connotations of cross-national insults or under-appreciation and open up areas for further exploration of such narratives in film content. Stereotyped images broadcast in film material through rigid narratives are even more important for research because, on the one hand, they reflect specific structures of collective ordinary consciousness. On the other hand, they form them. It is, in particular, about the processes of the transgression of stable consciousness concepts through mass media. While analysing film images, we can trace certain constructs of narratives related to a migrant woman trying to earn money in another country. First of all, she appears as rightless, unadapted to another culture, the one who can apply for unskilled work (usually due to the language barrier and other factors), and under challenging conditions, her country is poor and does not give her opportunities; also women earn for family, that suits men completely, so there is an emphasis on the inability of some people at the expense of others, on gender stigmatisation.

Automated differential diagnostics of respiratory diseases using an electronic stethoscope

Abstract Introduction: The outbreak of the coronavirus infection, which has escalated into a pandemic, has worsened the already unfavourable situation with respiratory system diseases in Ukraine. The burden on doctors has significantly increased, necessitating the exploration of simplified and expedited methods for conducting routine respiratory examinations. The research aims to describe a model for creating an automated differential diagnosis of respiratory noise using an electronic stethoscope, combining medical and clinical information about the types of respiratory noise characterizing the normal or pathological state of the respiratory system with a means of its information and technical processing. Material and methods: The research methods were analysis of theoretical information about the types of respiratory noise, analysis of technical information for choosing an information technology tool for processing biological signals; synthesis of the results; modelling. Results: The research resulted in a model of automated differential diagnosis based on the principle of auscultation, which includes the process of extracting the sound of air movement inside and outside the lungs and the classification of the extracted sounds. Automation of this process concerned only the classification of the extracted sounds since the principle of extraction itself was the same for both mechanical and automatic implementations. Conclusions: The automatic classification process was intended to reduce the time of the procedure and reduce the influence of the human factor, eliminating the possibility of medical error. To implement the process, a deep machine learning method was used, the array of information for which was to be a created phonotheque of acoustic signals of the respiratory system, which would include all types of respiratory noise concerning normal or pathological processes in the body.

Open Access