
Currently the development of agriculture in Russia is prioritized due to the need to ensure food security. The Krasnodar region has considerable experience in agriculture in the preceding period. The article discusses the process of creating the material and technical base in the Kuban, and the reasons for insufficiently effective use of technology in 1960-1980. The main attention is paid to changes in the logistics that have influenced the production and processing of agricultural products. In this period covering four five-year plans, there had been a significant transformation in strengthening the material-technical base of agriculture, as well as observed changes in social conditions, created for mechanics and their families. Measures developed by the March Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee in 1965, contributed to the strengthening of material and technical base of collective and state farms. Comprehensive mechanization of grain production of cereal crops was completed in the eighth plan period. As a result, the cost of labour in the production of a hundredweight of grain in the kolkhozes was reduced. In the ninth five-year on Kuban the growth of equipment of the collective farms and state farms caused the increase of expenses on its maintenance. Therefore, the issues of radical improvement of machinery and equipment utilization occupied an important place in the decision of problems of agriculture efficiency increase. Significant increases in the cost of one tractor, the grain combine harvester and other agricultural machinery, and the cost of repair led to the fact that farms in the region raise steadily the cost of one conventional hectare of completed work. Various reasons for insufficiently effective use of technology in the country received coverage in a number of scientific publications, however, the organization of MTB use, maintenance and repair and storage of machinery in agriculture and the supply of collective and state farms in the Kuban region in 1960-1980 have not been studied. Therefore, the aim of this article is to explore them.


  • The development of agriculture in Russia is prioritized due to the need to ensure food security

  • In this period covering four five-year plans, there had been a significant transformation in strengthening the material-technical base of agriculture, as well as observed changes in social conditions, created for mechanics and their families

  • Measures developed by the March Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee in 1965, contributed to the strengthening of material and technical base of collective and state farms

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Новый этап в развитии сельскохозяйственного производства начался с Пленума

В ней намечались конкретные действия по упрочению материально-технической базы сельского хозяйства, укреплению экономики колхозов и совхозов. В целях дальнейшего укрепления материально-технической базы колхозов и совхозов и повышения уровня механизации сельскохозяйственного производства в 1966–1970 гг. В колхозах Краснодарского края было в наличии 21 980 физических тракторов. В пересчете на 15-сильный трактор имелось 38 305 тракторов, что составляло нагрузку на каждый трактор [89,2] га пашни. В результате этих мер в восьмой пятилетке была комплексная механизация производства зерна колосовых культур, затраты труда на производство 1 ц зерна в колхозах были снижены на 46 %, в совхозах – на 25 % и составляли около [48–50] минут. Все более широкий размах принимала комплексная механизация при возделывании других сельскохозяйственных культур, приближалась к 95–98 % степень механизации производства маслосемян подсолнечника, постепенно нарастала она в производстве кукурузы, сахарной свеклы

Лучшие результаты были достигнуты в механизации производства зерновых колосовых
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