
ABSTRACT Because of political and other reasons the structural problems of agriculture in the former Soviet Union were never solved. Ineffective agricultural policies and practices have not only led to an insufficient production volume but also to environmental problems (e.g. by pesticides and their metabolites) and to agro-ecological problems (erosion and decrease of soil humus content). The former Academy of Agricultural Science (VASKHN1L) supported a project to convert sections of state and collective farms towards the more sustainable systems of organic agriculture. Preliminary experiences gained on two of these farms during the first year (1991) are described and discussed. Furthermore it is discussed, within the context of recent political/economic developments, what prospects there are for organic agriculture on different types of farms. On the national level it is important whether organic farms will be able to achieve the same or better crop yields per hectare than conventional farms to fulfil the national demand for agricultural products. As an example, it has been calculated what yield level of potatoes could be feasible in organic production systems. Finally, it is briefly considered what is needed at this moment for the sustainable development of agriculture in Russia.

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