
High-performance space-based optical systems typically require structures that exhibit high levels of dimensional stability over their lifetimes. To better understand the mechanisms for dimensional instability, a novel series of tests were carried out at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory on a breadboard high-stability optical bench structure. Goals of the testing were to assess the relative stability of a pair of reference surfaces and to determine the contributions of various structural elements and joints to dimensional instability. The breadboard was subject to an intensive environmental test campaign that included thermal cycling under vacuum and random vibration testing. Metrology was performed throughout the campaign to assess the dimensional stability response to the various environmental loads. The metrology requirement was challenging, with measurements of micron-level displacement and arcsecond- level tilt over 1-meter distances being necessary in situ during environmental testing. This issue was resolved using a combination of techniques: a contacting coordinate measurement machine, laser interferometry, and optical autocollimation. The greatest levels of instability were produced by random vibration testing, though evidence of a bedding-in process implies that vibratory conditioning could be used to improve stability.

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