
The article includes provided point of view, considering an ability of Ukrainian economy to become stronger obtaining competitive positions in differentiated markets worldwide, implementing the synergistic digital approaches in its finance and public sectors. As a main purpose of investigation, was taken a problem of credit allocation efficiency on external and internal capital markets conducting potential and alternative key patterns of processes’ development. However, historical experience of Ukrainian economy transformation attests that it might be reasonable to root advanced hi-tech into the entire economy regulation process, according to which efficient allocation of credit is to producing a chance of significant rocketing of Ukrainian macroeconomics dynamic indexes. Following an object of strictly based structure of the article, the main accents are placed on different macro statements. First of all, their static and dynamic analysis, and on the other hand, modelling probable alterations as a result of banking sector digital reshaping. Efficiency and necessity of government intervention into capital market are proven by contemporary situation modelling and probability grounded analysis of retrospective influence of actual state of economy. Macro rates such as commercial bank’s loans portfolio structure, dynamic segmental banks to households lending, current banks’ securities portfolios, BOP structure and dynamic GDP growth rates are considered. From advanced technologies side it is briefly described usage of artificial intelligence (AI) with basically-structured neural networks and the blockchain technology. Furthermore, it is examined some of relatively-new economical agents such as fin-tech start-ups and their influence onto competitive-level and essential tendencies of shaping the Ukrainian financial services market. Having used a complex analysis approach of the mentioned performances there was formed a way of discovering some logical chains of causal links of deceleration the entire Ukrainian economic reproduction. As a result of investigation and modelling it had been formed an idealistic model of Ukrainian capital market functional covering AI and blockchain implementation.

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