
The article examines the issues of personnel policy of industrial enterprises in the post-war period. The quantitative and qualitative composition of the personnel in the industrial sector, the number of permanent employees, and the business’s innovative activities have been investigated. It is noted that personnel serves as the foundation for enterprise development, ensuring the stability of industrial enterprises. It has been found that the number of permanent employees in the industrial sector is constantly decreasing, and factors such as the implementation of automated systems and robots replacing human labor, reduction of staff positions by transferring some production to external enterprises, periods of economic crisis, changes in the enterprise’s activities, cost reduction, changes in consumer demand, and demographic decline affect the outflow of personnel. The dependence of industrial workforce on the country’s population is determined. The demographic situation of Ukraine’s population is considered, and the main indicators are calculated, namely: the index of the population’s numerical strength of Ukraine; the index of the working-age population of Ukraine; the index of the number of permanent employees in the industry. The level of workforce turnover is analyzed, the main groups are investigated, and their main reasons for the high level of workforce turnover are identified, based on components such as personnel needs, employer requirements, external factors, aspects, and factors for investigating the quantitative and qualitative composition of employees. The main consequences of high workforce turnover are determined. It is substantiated that in order to prevent a critical situation with personnel issues in the future, a series of preventive measures have been formulated, which need to be implemented soon for each individual industrial enterprise.

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