
The article is devoted to the current problems of digitization of trade in Ukraine. It is determined that an important feature of the present is the rapid increase in digital gaps, which pose a risk of lagging behind developing countries. It is noted that the issues of improving the theoretical, methodological and practical foundations of trade digitalisation are very relevant, especially for countries that currently need to accelerate digital development. The typology of the most common trade enterprises in terms of on-line and off-line formats is summarized. An overview of the main technologies and features of digitalization of the trade sphere was conducted. The analytical review of modern technologies and features of digitalisation allowed the authors to summarise the factors that ensure the progressive development of enterprises and justify the goals of trade digitalisation. A triadic conceptual scheme was built to determine the scale of digitalization of trade enterprises. It should be based on 3 parameters. the level of digitization of business processes (or state management processes) depending on the complexity of tasks; the level of implementation of digital technologies of industries 3.0 and 4.0; the level of coverage of all spheres of the economy with digitalization tools. Effective forms of digitization of trade in relation to established goals are proposed. The assessment showed that the highest scale of digitization in the country is currently in the sphere of trade and the IT sphere. At the end of 2023, there is a recovery of volumes almost to the level of the beginning of 2022, which is definitely a positive trend. The key problem of digitization of trade in Ukraine is that most enterprises lack a structured strategy for digitization (digital transformation) of business. The conclusions will allow enterprises to pay attention to and focus their activities on measures that will improve the integrated management of enterprises through the introduction of integrated software products.

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