
This study was focused on the daily dietary pattern of university youth, where about 60% of Egyptians are within the youth age 18-40yrs. A purposive Cluster Two stages random sampling design was applied. Two universities located in Cairo were selected (The Future, a private university,) and (Ain Shams a governmental university). The respondent students were from the faculties of medicine, engineering, dentistry, and pharmacy. The Covid-19 epidemic that lasted for two years had limited the sample size and decreased the response rate of respondents to the questionnaire. The total sample size was 50 students within twenties 18 -24 years, 38 males, and 12 females. An online, validated, questionnaire FFQ was used. The questionnaire included 60 food items. It was adapted to fit the Egyptian society dietary traditions and taste. Due to the limitations of the sample size, the analysis was restricted to compare between male and female university youth. The daily dietary pattern was aggregated into three food subgroups (vegetal, animal and snacks). The share of each subgroup in major nutrients (Kcal, Protein, Fats, and Fe) was estimated. A Chi-square test for the independency of the two daily dietary pattern of male and female students was applied. Major result and conclusions showed that: The daily dietary Kcal intake of the male students looked healthier than the female students because of higher vegetal foods intake share. The female students snack diets share in daily Kcal intake was higher than the male students. It implies that the female students tend to have more candy, cookies chocolate and beverages. Probably, they think it is more elegant habits that fit them as girls, even though, these foods are costly and leading to exposure to obesity and diabetes, if lasted with age. The proportion of animal foods in gross protein intake was too high. The recommended animal protein share is ≤ 33% of the daily gross protein intake. Therefore, the body metabolizes excess protein as calories source and drains nitrogen in urine with burden on kidney functions, with age it would cause Gout disease and/or Kidney failure. Animal products are expensive because paying a high price for animal products is for essential amino acids not as a source of energy. There are plenty of much cheaper carbohydrate The apparent higher share of animal products in fat content of the daily diet is not a healthy phenomenon. The high fats as saturated fatty acids in red meat and fast foods are harmful. If such dietary habit lasted with age with often increase in income, and naturally, less physical activity most probably would imply exposure individuals to obesity, heart diseases and arteriosclerosis. Such phenomenon stems from dietary customs of the university youth to have fast foods as burger, nuggets, fried chicken with french-fries is not only expensive, but it these meals are also much greasy from low quality imported frozen meat mixed with soybean and greasy spicy top dressings,. They are called in west unhealthy Junk foods. However, the developing countries youth simulate the western diets as modern culture. Even though, the obesity rate in USA has doubled within the last three decades. Exposure to high blood level of bad cholesterol accelerate the probability of early arteriosclerosis. Even though, the Fe intake from animal foods is more utilizable than other food sources having frequent tea, coffee, gaseous water with or immediately after meals most probably destroys the diet Fe without utilization. Such types of beverages might cause gastritis which in turn decrease the potentiality of digestion and absorption of digested food.

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